Thursday, July 23, 2009

Job Opportunities

The formation of Andhra Pradesh in 1956 has brought many problems for the service, which by virtue of being Telugus chosen to remain in Andhra Pradesh, while the Kannadigas and Maharastraians chose to go to their respective States. Service as the conditions in Hyderabad State was protected under Article 115 of the Reorganization Act of 1956 and the Government of India to resolve differences arising from the integration of categories of services. There were different and specific service standards Andhra and Telangana State. Taking advantage of the political, administrative mostly merging of services was manipulated to benefit the employees from Andhra 1956. The first attack was on the salaries. The Andhra employees were working with the lowest pay scales, while the Telangana employees were better paid (around 20 to 30% of salary). In 1958 and thereafter, when upward revision in salary scales, the administration drafted ยช! and scales so as to assist Andhras. Institutions in the Secretariat, the Heads of Departments, the Judiciary, Engineering, PWD, medical and many other departments in the name of the integrated seniority rules designed so as to give advantage to the Andhras therefore All promotions were cornered by Andhras though Telangana staff are equally qualified and otherwise suitable. Calls upon the Government of India, Ministry of the Interior could not give positive results by forcing employees to go to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court. Even court judgments were not forcing workers to retire after reaching Telangana retirement. Hyderabad State, with great knowledge of the employees urdu merged into Andhra Pradesh. After 1956, the official language does not include urdu urdu and therefore qualified workers is limited to the ordinary rights and their survival is threatened. Thousands of qualified employees urdu! oyees were dismissed with the deletion of posts or not considered for promotion to higher posts. Language tests and new departments were introduced evidence to deny promotion to Telangana staff. In some departments, integrated senioritis were prepared in such a way, on behalf of the highest qualification of Andhras a new standard for the purposes of promotion on the basis ATA (Andhra Telangana Andhra) the promotion of every three vacancies. In summary, is from 1956 to 1968, that employees were forced Telangana be placed at a disadvantage in the promotion and creation of new posts. By introducing new rules and conditions for all the jobs created after 1956, Telangana employees are deprived of opportunities. Even after 30 years, which is favorable rulings from the Supreme Court of Engineering and Irrigation Departments have been waiting for justice to be done. Almost all participants in service in 1956 with 5 to 10 years of prompt service have retired. Another method adopted by the rulers of Andhra was to create a large number of rooms and Corporate! tions after 1956 and the rules of engagement is framed to deny opportunities to people Telangana. In filling positions deputation basis, again Andhras is preferred.

Job Opportunities

Before 1956, all jobs were full of Hyderabad State Mulkies with 15 years of residence or birth in Hyderabad State. After 1956, with the formation of the State of Andhra Pradesh, thousands of jobs for Telangana youth came Andhras. The methods adopted differed from office to office, one district to another. Although not named Telangana youth in the districts of Andhra, in thousands of jobs were occupied by Telangana Andhras, some of them to obtain false certificates mulki. In 1969 it was estimated that more than 22,000 seats were occupied by Andhras with false certificates. On behalf of the rationalization of departments, a large number of engineers, doctors, public officials from Andhra region were dumped in Telangana districts. They, in turn, brought their own personal Andhra for lower positions, including positions in Class IV. In the Secretariat and Heads of Departments 50000 posts, Andhra employees were transferred and posted so that the vacancy in the district of Andhra,! are available to unemployed people of Andhra. Almost 30 percent of these positions were occupied by Andhras while the district officials were not amused Telangana.
Regional Committee

The conditions of service, employment and the transfer and sale of agricultural lands were to be regulated and supervised by the Telangana Regional Committee consisting of all legislators in the region. The Governor was supposed to regulate the surveillance recommendations for safeguarding the interests of the Telangana region under AR law and authority of Parliament. But the recommendations of the Regional Committee were either not treated or items that were never brought to attention, nor taken seriously. This is due to the fact that although legislators Telangana were members of the TRC and the political overlordship remained with the CMS and the majority Andhra MLA / MPs of the Andhra region. The Telangana employees could not obtain protection under the Act or SR 1956, Telangana Regional Committee, the State Government or Government of India, Ministry. A series of court decisions were never implemented for Telangana employees. ! State Government of all committees and departments held meetings to either but not with the intention of doing justice to Telangana.

The main loss of Telangana region is due to the fact that most of the officers and minor decision-making positions in all Andhras and, therefore, plans, projects, allocation and release of funds for the region suffered Telangana Telangana and officers who were scattered can not protect the interests of the region. If this was the position in 1969, can be imagined to what extent the interests of the region now can be safeguarded in 1997.

Agitation in 1969

The Telangana movement led Telangana NGOs together with the students. Reservations about the work Mulki rules were available not only Secretary of State, Heads of departments, subordinate offices, nine districts of Telangana, but also in the State Electricity Board AP, AP State Road Transport Corporation, and all other chambers and the company in Telangana region, including education institutions, universities and teacher positions.
All-Party Agreement of 1969

To ensure proper implementation of safeguards, the following decisions were taken at the meeting of the leaders of all political parties in the Legislature convened for the purpose by the Chief Minister. All non-domiciled individuals who have been appointed, either directly or by promotion or transfer to positions at the homes of Telangana region will be immediately relieved from service. Rendered vacant positions will be filled by candidates who possess the qualifications and residence in cases where such candidates are not available, the posts will be left unfilled until the registered qualified candidates are available. Action on the above lines are taken immediately.

However, the Government considered that the statutory bodies are organizations of state, the reservation of seats for Telangana candidates should also be made in them as in the case of posts in government.

In all cases where the Government of India has approved the list of common graduation Andhra and Telangana officers or issued any directive for the preparation or revision of these lists, or the approved lists should be prepared only to follow the regulation of conditions of their services.

The Telangana surpluses are determined as follows

1. The current method of allocating costs and revenues for the region or will continue.
2. The Telangana surplus each year is calculated by adding the excess of net income of the Telangana region in the year.
3. With regard to other boards or functioning of state and corporate level funded by the State Government for the purpose of calculating surplus Telangana were to be treated as if they were departments of the State Government and as wide if your income and expenditure had been set aside in the government accounts. In the case of the State Electricity Board AP, expenditure on power generation and transmission lines high voltage is divided between the two regions as indicated above. Expenditure on distribution lines and rural electrification, is reserved for each region for the actual position.
4. The Industrial Trust Fund which is used exclusively for the Telangana region will be used. (Later, all the industrial development was approached by other agencies for the benefit of industrial Telangana not even the issue of auxiliary units in the region).

Telangana surplus so determined are fully utilized for the development of Telangana region during the next five years (1973-78) (all signatories to the agreement are part of the leaders of Congress, CPI, CPM, SP, BJP, Majlis , India Swatantra and the legislators.)

Eight-point agenda 1969

11-4-1969 The Prime Minister, late Indira Gandhi made a statement in the Lok Sabha announcing Telangana Eight Point Agenda for development, education, employment and the implementation of the commission, in addition to developing high-power committee . One point that is relevant in this case (VI) the possibility of Constitutional safeguards on public employment for persons belonging to the Telangana region will be considered by the Government of India, in consultation with a committee Lawyers - as was the case with all other formulas, this was not implemented.

For over a year and a half, tngo organized educational meetings on the non-application of safeguards. But when all attempts failed, the NGOs had to declare that their problems can only be resolved in separate Telangana state. During this period, a meeting of all political parties was held on 19-1-1969 and following decisions were taken.

Prime Minister of five Formula - 1972

The residential qualification in the Mulki Rules shall apply only for.the purposes of recruitment to non - Government Gazette and after posts Tahsildar and Assistant Civil Surgeons in the Telangana region. It will also apply to these posts, as they were not officially in 1-1 1-1956, but since then have been made officially. However, in the case of compounds such as offices of the Secretariat, the offices of the Heads of Departments and the institutions of the State Government will apply these rules in order to fill the second vacancy in each unit of direct recruitment or three vacant positions not officially.

In order to provide adequate promotional avenues for the government officials working in each of the two regions, several tables of service will be regionalised until the first or second level announced.

Including educational facilities in technical and vocational fields that are currently available to students Telangana in the cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad are not adversely affected. Facilities in these towns will be properly expanded.

The six points of the Formula - 1973

After PV Narasimha Rao became Prime Minister, Andhra agitation began against the Supreme Court decision favoring the Mulki Rules Telangana people. The progressive legislation on agrarian reform, the distribution of power with the backward classes, Dalits and minorities were among the major causes for the leaders of Andhra to launch agitation. At one point, the leaders of Andhra Re Sri BV Subba Reddy, Kakani Venkatratnam and Tenneti Viswanadhain demanded the separation of Andhra to solve problems once and for all. Andhra agitation had brought to the surface an air of superiority and mastery of Andhra leadership. The Telangana leaders were forced to accept to irrigate all the requirements of development, backwardness, employment, education, irrigation, agriculture and energy production. Finally an agreement was reached to integrate almost unconditionally.

With total dedication to the dictates of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi showed Andhras six-point formula to benefit a single notice in the Lok Sabha on September 20, 1973.

The net result is as follows:

1. Educational backwardness in Telangana area is not addressed - no new universities. Medical, engineering and higher education has been provided, no degree higher secondary school, primary of any other training, B.Ed. nursing, the ITI began TTI or others.
2. Jobs in the State Government for new hires simply not published in the Telangana region with 4 years of residence and local candidates. This was not all that - Telangana people who immigrated to the region to benefit from jobs. Jobs in the Secretariat and Heads of Department, the police, the judiciary institutions of the furnace is maintained for all.
3. All jobs in APSRTC, State Electricity Board, corporations and boards will be deprived of opportunities opens Telangana people.
4. Excluding official posts in the competition, large-scale transfers are allowed.
5. Singareni Collieries, the main industries in Ramagundam, Medak, Rangareddy Nalgonda Khammam district and opened for all Telangana forcing lakhs of unemployed youths.
6. By giving 20percent reservation, even in the area of non-local boxes, Telangana people were without jobs, while 20 percent of local posts in the Andhra region was occupied by the same Andhras.
7. By adopting common entry and reservation of seats for non-native universities in Andhra Telangana Andhra student benefited while students who are residents of Hyderabad and are eligible to take the majority of seats again depriving the Telangana youth.
8. The opening of the University of Hyderabad helped the Andbras. All other institutions such as universities throughout the state, and in the region of Andhra Andhra only help students gain admission and employment.
9. Regional Development Boards were abolished by NT Rama Rao in 1983 itself. There Telangana region has experienced in the planning and execution of development plans.

Job Opportunities in the State

After 1973, with six-point formula replaces the Mulki Rules area of recruitment and appointment on the basis of four years to remain in Telangana. Placed so that the Telangana youth at a disadvantage compared with the young people of Andhra. All officials of Andhra, who work in the city of Hyderabad, both in the states and central governments and public and private sector companies in corporate boards, and educational institutions, have acquired the right to receive educational benefits in schools and colleges, as well as local jobs on a par with Telangana youth. Therefore, Telangana lakhs of young people have been deprived of education and employment opportunities in Hyderabad city and in the industrial belts. The Telangana rural youth have to compete for the few jobs in the offices of the State Government, while the Andhra rural youth have more opportunities. The work of the reserves and the availability of jobs in the city of Hyderabad and Andhra districts in the Telangana districts. The following table gives the glari! ng Telangana a disadvantage for young people.
State Government employment in the sector as on 30-6-1983
Region officially NGOs Contingency Total Class IV
Andhra Districts 15,278 2,23,256 1,10,058 21,672 3,33,900
Telangana 7,717 1,09,427 27,146 13,801 1,68,327
The city of Hyderabad 5,149 44,703 22,448 1,168 74,038

It follows from the table that the employment opportunities for young Telangana are notoriously low. On behalf of the six-point formula of large numbers of people of Andhra have taken posts in Telangana in the Official Gazette Official Gazette, not the State Government in the levels of services.

Factory Jobs in Telangana

Most jobs in the factory enjoy Andhras as the factory owners have come from other areas. Andhras have benefited through the use of land, subsidies, bank loans, raw materials, energy and water of Telangana. Factories in Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Ranga Reddy, Medak and Karimnagar are obvious examples of depriving the Telangana youth employment opportunities. Transport companies and excursions and travel, finance companies, film industry, film studios and get people from other regions. Chit fund business in, collecting crores of Telangana but the opportunities are mostly in Andhras. All real estate companies have been launched by Andhras.

It was reported that in Ranga Reddy district 1.60 lakh factory and other workers are not local, while the unemployed in the Ranga Reddy district exchanges are more than 1.8 lakhs.
Daily wage workers in several factories - 1996 - Wages (average)
Region Number Percentage
Coastal Andhra 3,16,321 67.7
Rayalaseema 69.1675 14.9
Telangana 81,095 17.4

The above table indicates the disadvantage of rural Telangana.

The construction material such as bricks and sand brought from the nearby districts of Ranga Reddy, Medak, Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Warangal and Karimnagar. After taking land from 10 to 15 years lease for the drilling of wells 10 feet deep in lakhs bricks are made. Thousands of acres of land becomes unfit for cultivation and become a wasteland. Agricultural workers who have been dependent on agricultural activities have lost their livelihoods. Thousands of truckloads of sand were brought from all that is creating environmental problems and depletion of groundwater sources, as well as water tanks and dried Nall achieve.

The companies of the Central Government

It is a known fact that all core businesses, factories, NTPC, Railways, P & T, telecommunications, civil aviation, etc, work opportunities are not really available to young people such as Andhra Telangana youth and the influence the media can get more jobs in Telangana districts and the city of Hyderabad. Job opportunities in Andhra areas such as ports, industries Kakinada and Vizag are available for most of Andhra youth.

With the new policy of liberalization and privatization of industry and infrastructure also Telangana youth may not get its proper share, because they are not placed in an advantageous position.

Given the fact that the Telangana region, as such, is deprived of its development and people are made to suffer due to the negligence of political systems must consider how the region can develop and compete with the rest the region with all the difficulties and still ensure progress. While the State Government gets big development loans to coastal areas in Andhra (Rs 19,000 crores as a loan raised) interest and deadlines have to be paid equally by people of Telangana region and it is not possible to raise funds exclusively for complete new or ongoing projects in Telangana. It is estimated that Rs.20, 000 crores are required to provide for irrigation of 35 hectares within the project Pochampad lakhs and 10,000 crores for generation of energy to build irrigation systems. If the requirement for an investment project is so large, how can the development be possible in the near future? The big brother who has joined us to jointly develop equally hard! rts only helped themselves to deprive the younger brother of the legitimate rights. The solution must allow the younger brother to stand on their own progress.


It concluded that the Telangana people and their development in any field is not possible that the experiments have failed Visalandhra from 1956 onwards.

The fact remains

1. The gentlemen's agreement of 1956 between the leaders of Andhra and Telangana provide safeguards are not implemented.
2. The guarantees provided in the Reorganization Act of the States in 1956 and given the protections under section 115 (c) of the Act does not protect AR by the State Government of AP and the Ministry of Interior, Government of India.
3. The High Court and Supreme Court judgments were mostly not apply when favored Telangana services.
4. The protections available through Telangana Regional Committee (TRC) in respect of matters scheduled are: local self-government, public health and sanitation, clinics, local hospitals, primary and secondary education, the regulation of admissions to educational institutions, the sale of agricultural land, cottage and small-scale industries, agriculture, cooperatives, markets and fairs and the development and economic planning and all bills to be submitted to the Assembly Legislature. By abolishing this institution, suffered Telangana region. Even if followed, would not have come in the way of the Andhra region in some way.
5. All parties to the Agreement of 1969 made by the representatives of all political parties to take steps much Telangana region can not be applied and no mechanism set up by it.
6. The late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi announced eight-point agenda in the Lok Sabha on April 11, 1969 and five-point plan on 27 November 1972.The fate of these measures received the same treatment as other similar measures.
7. The six-point formula to.Parliament was introduced September 20, 1973, further reducing the protections and guarantees of Telangana people and mostly in the interests of Andhra.

All the conventions, agreements, arrangements, plans and assurances on the floor of the Lok Sabha and the legislature can not be honored and Telangana was forced to remain neglected, exploited and backward. The experiment as a result remain to be a futile exercise and therefore, the separation appears to be the best solution.

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